GEM21® Gingival Recession Regeneration in NY & NJ

Gem21S® (Fully Synthetic Growth-factor enhanced Matrix) is a fully synthetic regeneration system for the treatment of periodontal bone defects and associated gingival recession. GEM 21S® is composed of the tissue growth factor, recombinant human platelet derived growth factor (rhPDGF-BB), and a synthetic bone matrix, beta tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). It is the first totally synthetic product combining a purified recombinant growth factor with a synthetic bone matrix to be approved by the FDA for human application. The combination of the two components (rhPDGF-BB and β-TCP)are key to the overall effectiveness of the product. The rhPDGF-BB provides the biological stimulus for tissue repair by stimulating the proliferation and in-growth of osteoblasts, cells responsible for the formation of bone, while the β-TCP provides the framework or scaffold for new bone growth to occur.